Navigating life can feel like trial + error, because full disclosure, there is no freaking handbook! + the lessons come one dose of a reality check at a time. Think of this as your complimentary therapy session. Where you'll find you can relate to the post college, trying to gain a sense of direction, walking around with the "Am I where I'm really supposed to be" question on an endless loop. If your looking for a sign to tell you that you aren’t alone, while questioning those life dose’s. . .THIS IS IT! These are your unfiltered, vulnerable conversations about lifestyle, relationships & so much more. Buckle in.
Finding your passion + Faith + Friendships that last :: Jordan Onia
Carolyn Hernandez
Episode 2
The most creative and down to earth guy I know has joined us this week to tell us how he hones in on his passions, how our faith is intertwined in our purpose, and identifying friendships that last in our personal community.